Environmental policy
Siam Pulp Mold Packing Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and exporter of molded products made from recycled pulp. We are committed to environmental protection and are aware of the impact of our operations and activities. of the company in order to prevent and reduce the impact that will occur on the environment both directly and indirectly. The company therefore has the following guidelines.
1. Control, prevent and reduce environmental pollution. Both in terms of water pollution, air, ground, noise and various hazardous chemicals.
2. Control the working environment to avoid environmental problems. according to the laws, regulations, and various requirements which must strictly comply with the environment
3. Strive to develop and protect the environment by using resources in production cost-effectively and for maximum benefit.
4. Continue to improve the current environment. To achieve goals, objectives by allowing all employees. continually participate in environmental policy
5. Promote training to create awareness among employees at all levels and related parties to be aware of environmental preservation.
6. Supervisors at all levels must play an important role in communicating, supervising and encouraging all employees to cooperate in proposing their opinions. including complying with the Company’s environmental policy in order to create a corporate culture for sustainable environmental development